Our New Suboxone Clinic Bowie Maryland June 3, 2019 0 Telehealth

The state of Maryland has been hard hit with opiate overdose deaths and people all over the state are struggling with opioid use disorder. Our new suboxone clinic Bowie Maryland is aware of an urgent need for treating people battling with opioid use disorder and we are branching out our services to make a positive impact. We currently offer a bricks-and-mortar clinic location, but because we know coming into our clinic is not always ideal, we are expanding to include telemedicine options for opiate addiction treatment.

How Can Telemedicine Help End the Maryland Opiate Crisis?

One of the latest advances in the treatment of opioid use disorder is medication-assisted treatment using suboxone through telemedicine. This medication can help people reduce or altogether stop using opiates including heroin, fentanyl, morphine and Vicodin. While suboxone is an opiate itself, it is much safer to use this drug as part of a medication-assisted treatment plan under medical supervision. Telemedicine can help get medication-assisted treatment into the hands of those who need it most, particularly those who for whatever the reason aren’t able to come into our clinic for treatment.

Impacting Rural Areas with Medication-Assisted Treatment:

Rural areas throughout the state of Maryland are at a distinct disadvantage when it comes to drug treatment because most clinics and inpatient programs are in major cities. Our new suboxone clinic Bowie Maryland is able to reach people living in rural areas and in need of treatment, because we are launching a telemedicine program. Regardless of what someone’s logistical, physical or personal reasons may be for not being able to visit a treatment clinic, if someone has a smart phone, computer or tablet, they can reach our clinic 24/7/365.

Changing Lives with Our New Suboxone Clinic Bowie Maryland:

Sadly, one taste of opiates can be enough to get someone hopelessly hooked and dragged into the vicious cycle of opioid use disorder. Many people all across America are currently wrapped up in opiate addiction and many cannot see a light at the end of the tunnel. Our new suboxone clinic Bowie Maryland knows what you’re going through and we urge you to call us right now to change your life for the better.


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